Friday 5 July 2013

Cornwall Adventures - Bodmin Jail

(looking up and the rest of the cells)

(looking into one of the cells)

This was my first visit to Bodmin Jail and I have to say I really enjoyed the visit, I tend to get a bit creeped out when it come to visiting places like this but on the other hand I do love to explore these kinds of places.

As you can tell from the photos biggest part of the jail is now open and exposed to the elements but it kind of gives it an eerie atmosphere with all the plants growing over the the walls and walking in and out of the empty cells. The main part of the jail has been restored and each cell depicts some of the stories of some of the inmates who past through the jail (there are about 5/6 floors to explore). The jail also has a working execution shed which was quite interesting to see (though there weren't any demonstrations on the day I went).

On a side note the outside of the jail reminds of the Aadams family house.

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