Tuesday 3 February 2015

Screen Printing techniques - Blending colours on the screen

I have been trying to incorporate some new techniques into my screen printing projects so that I am not always working with flat colour. One technique I have been experimenting with is colour blending on the screen. It's a technique that I haven't in a long time and is one of my favourite techniques to use as the end are usually quite impressive.

To start off you need to lay down the colours that you wish to use, so here I have gone with yellow and orange. You can use as many colours as you wish.

You then need to mix the two colours together with the squeegee so that they start to blend together.

After that just pull the ink across the screen as you would normally do. The first print tends to have a bit of a harsh line where the colours meet but as you continue to print the colours will blend into each other perfectly.

Below are the end results!

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