Sunday 7 June 2015

Screen Printing with Coffee!

Did you know that you can print using other materials besides just ink? As long its liquid and can be pushed through a screen you can pretty much print with it, for example you can print with PVA Glue (and then sprinkling glitter over the printed area on the paper), Glow in the  dark paint, food colouring, pureed food etc. I all depends on far you are willing to experiment with different materials.

For the demonstration I printed using a Coffee and printing medium mix. As the coffee isn't a liquid mixing it with the printing medium helps to turn it into a liquid that will easily be pushed through the mesh. The smell of coffee does linger on the paper for a while but it eventually disappears, if you wanted the smell of coffee to remain it would be worth experimenting with a stranger coffee and maybe creating a mix that has more coffee than printing medium. 

You can also watch a video of me printing with the coffee here: 

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